July 29th started a new chapter in our lives...HOMESCHOOL! I've worked really hard on researching this, planning for it and doing everything I can do to make it work. I must say too, I've enjoyed it much more than I imagined that I would! So in order to keep things as normal/routine as possible, we've jumped in head first! Zachary has started 4th grade, Eli has started Kindergarten and Tyler has started preschool. We did all the typical "day one" activities -- pictures of going to class, introductions, teacher pictures, etc.
We've got the schedules. We've go the agenda books. We've got the dress code! We're up to our ears in workbooks, paints, crafts crayons, glue sticks, games, pencils, flash cards, etc. And Nathan and I have no clue what the road looks like ahead of here, but we're ready to go!
And I love that all three of our boys are home learning with us rather than having to drop them off somewhere else for someone else to get to spend the day with them. And I'm loving the curriculum for Zachary and Eli...it's christian based and WONDERFUL!
This is my favorite picture from the day. My instructions to Tyler were "Trace the dots on the top row to make your ones. Then do it by yourself on the next row." He brought me back his finished paper. :)
He gets an A+ for following directions; Mommy gets an "F" for giving them. :)
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