Team Barnes

Team Barnes
"My mom becoming a travel nurse isn't what changed our lives. God allowing my Daddy to get heart disease changed it. And we're loving every minute of it!" -Zachary, age 9
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A day in the life...Week 10

This week included more pool time.  We've learned that in the summer time in Texas, the only way to be outside after noon is if you are in the water!  So needless to say, we pretty much go to the pool every day.  AND, because of this -- BOTH Eli and Tyler have started to swim on their own without any floaties this week!!  It scares me and Nathan to death to watch them, and Tyler always comes up looking like a wet cat - but they do a great job!

This was me promoting our product Thermofit for It Works.  I got the bright idea to ride my bike and meet up with the boys for their sports camp.  No amount of Thermofit could have prepared me for three miles, in the sun, in the Texas heat!!!  The second picture is when I got there!  Lol...

This day was hilarious!!!  This was the day the boys saw Jaws for the first time! 

Eli is teaching Tyler to read now days! 

In deciding to throw Tyler above my head in the pool one afternoon, I also was able to tear my stomach muscles at the same time!!!  Nothing beats a midnight trip to the local ER.  No bueno Barnes!

Met up with Uncle Thom for lunch after camp on afternoon! 

And more randoms! 


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