Team Barnes

Team Barnes
"My mom becoming a travel nurse isn't what changed our lives. God allowing my Daddy to get heart disease changed it. And we're loving every minute of it!" -Zachary, age 9
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Team Barnes Academy: September

September was an easy month for the boys and school.  We did our two week fall break the last two weeks of October mainly because we all came home to Tennessee for those weeks.  (more on that to come!)  We did however have a pretty good time while we did have class!  The boys are still enjoying it as much as Nathan and I are!  And no, that's not a sarcastic statement.  We all acutally like it a lot.  I told Nathan a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about it, "I knew that I would like homeschooling.  But I didn't realize that I would love it."  I love having the boys home and getting to be a part of their education.  I love knowing what they are learning and to see their progression.  I love (I'm a dork, I know) planning it all out and having it all organized and color coordinated!  Yes, I do!  It's been a blessing beyond what I expected it to be!  

One thing we did this month was sign up at our local library.  Yes, the boys got their first library cards ever and they think it's the coolest thing.  Tyler can't understand why the library gives him a book that he has to give back, but I think he is starting to understand the idea.  :)

One other thing I did this month was change their chore charts into their own Accountability Binders.  This has become a part of school too in which they fill out their information from the day before.  Each boy has one, in his own personal color too, but Tyler's is listed here.  I grouped up their morning and evening chores so that they have to do them all to get credit.  I also wanted to stress the idea of saving money to the boys so I made them each think of something that they really wanted in order to save money for it.  We've always had them put money into their banks, but I don't think it has taught them the joy of saving for something until you have enough money on hand to buy it.  So we'll see how this works.  They still give money to Jesus ever week and they still have to put money into their "Give to Others" envelopes, but we changed up the saving part a bit.

 Also, I lost Zachary for about three minutes one day only to find him reading out on our patio.  Great sight to see.  :)


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