There are many reasons why we decided to stay...let me explain. One, we still haven't seen everything that there is to see around here! We still have many things on our bucket list that we didn't get to accomplish due to my illness and flat out running out of time! Things like the WHITE HOUSE for crying outloud, the Jefferson Memorial, Botanical Gardens, Monte Cello, National Archives, Fords Theatre, inside the State Capitol, state parks, etc. Plus, the boys are really loving our church family up here and were super excited about all of the fall activities coming up. Also, we have sold one of our homes in Tennessee and have to come back in a few weeks to close on that home and move that stuff into storage. And the main reason, not to mention the most important, we feel that this is where God wants us for now. And, we love it up here!
So there you go! After September 13th the weekly counting restarts! We will be here for another 13 weeks and for sure be done on December 13th where we will then head back to Tennessee for Christmas and decide where we want to spend the first three months in the new year!
God has blessed our family in so many ways over the last few months and I am so thankful every day for this opportunity and lifestyle change! Zachary said it best to a lady up here once when she was asking him about his mom doing travel nursing. She said, "Wow. So your mom's new job has really changed your life, huh?"
His response was simple.
"No m'am. God allowing my Daddy to have heart disease changed our lives. And we are loving every minute of it!"
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