Team Barnes

Team Barnes
"My mom becoming a travel nurse isn't what changed our lives. God allowing my Daddy to get heart disease changed it. And we're loving every minute of it!" -Zachary, age 9
Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Tennessee Wedding

In October, we made another trip to Tennessee for yet another wedding.  This time is was Zachary who was in the wedding party.  The wedding was BEAUTIFUL as we celebrated one of Nathan’s cousins getting married.  Daniel & Natalie made a beautiful bride and groom and we all had fun getting to dress up as well.  The trip was a quick one.  I think we were in town for only three days or so, but it was a good time none the less.

On the way down we made a the mistake of waiting until the last minute to get a hotel room.  This was mainly to make it as far as we could go before having to stop.  However, once we pushed the boys to about 11pm, we then couldn’t find a hotel room due to the Virginia Tech game going on at the time.  Needless to say that when we finally made it to a hotel over an hour later, they boys CRASHED!

The Wedding Day...

And even though it was a quick trip, we were able to stop by and see Granny Hudson before we left.


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